Our Friends

Stock photo is a huge industry with a large number of talented photographers. We would like to introduce our friends with unique collections covering all kinds of topics. Please take a look at our friends’ sites. License directly from the artists and all collections have commercial level quality.


Symzio – The central hub connecting to a big number of stock photo contributors. This site is run by contributors, owned by contributors. You can search with keywords in its database for photos, footage and vectors and purchase license instantly.

Website: http://www.symzio.com/

Price Range: Varies


georgeGeorge Sheldon Photography – Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the author of 35 books with 50 years experience, George is specialized in Editorial and Stock Imagery. You can get direct license from the artist and assignment work as well.

Website: http://georgesheldon.com/  Symzio Profile: http://www.symzio.com/contributor-16313.html

Price Range: $1.99 – $24.99



picbreezePicture Breeze – High quality stock photos of Mexico and Texas. Directly from artist André Babiak, it has extensive and beautiful stock photo collection. Check the collection of Mexico, Texas, Country & Western, Food, Hunting & Fishing, Lifestyle, Places.

Website: http://picturebreeze.com/ Symzio Profile: http://www.symzio.com/contributor-10023.html

Price Range: $1.99 – $49.00


backyardBackyard Stock Photos – Unique travel images from around the world. With 8 years’ experience in producing stock photos and being licensing his works on the main stock agencies, Steve is a successful stock photo contributor. His experience is even shared in his “how-to” eBook to help other photographers.

Website: http://www.BackyardStockPhotos.com Symzio Profile: http://www.symzio.com/contributor-10004.html

Price Range: $0.99 – $35.00



3d fonts3d fonts – Top quality 3d fonts collections at affordable prices. With the owner’s 10 years of experience in Stock Industry, this site has extensive collection of 3D fonts illustrations. There is always something you can use in your design.

Website: http://3d-fonts.com   Symzio Profile: http://www.symzio.com/contributor-16363.html

Price Range: $2.49 – $24.99


ThamKCThamKC Royalty-Free Photos – Stock Photos with High Commercial Value. Both stock photos and footages are available from this site. With 20 years of experience in consumer goods markets in South East Asia Rigion, artist Kee Chuan has unique collection you can’t find elsewhere.

Website: http://www.thamkc.com  Symzio Profile: http://www.symzio.com/contributor-16382.html

Price Range: $1.99 – $39.00



eikonproEikon Pro – Newly established stock photo site with collections of travel and other topics. Love to read the blog section ( in English and Chinese).

Website: http://www.eikon-pro.com/ Symzio Profile: http://www.symzio.com/contributor-16474.html

Price Range: $1.99 – $24.99