Oia Sunrise

Oia Sunrise, Santorini, Greece.

Santorini is one of the most amazing locations I ever visited. Volcano eruption 1500 years ago sinked big part of the round-shaped island and forms a new-moon shaped Santorini we see today. The cliff in this shot is exactly where the split occurred. Hundreds of Greece style buildings featured with pure white body and blue dome church grows along the cliff. Those buildings are new with only tens of years’ age. Historical architectures are hard to survive earthquakes which strikes every couple of years.

Oia Sunrise




About One Photo a Day: As we publish one fresh photo to a handful of social media platforms daily for promotion, we keep it in the blog section at bestcityscape.com. The photo is chosen from Songquan Deng’s latest travel project. Please feel free to share with your friends. Comments are welcome!