Athens Sunset

Sunset, Athens, Greece. I was planning to catch the sunset at the top of mountain Lykavitos. At the foot of the mountain, the sun slowly fell down passing cloud above horizon and filled the sky with beautiful rays. I knew the light won’t last more than five minutes. Immediately, I exited the taxi at one … Continue reading “Athens Sunset”

Sunset, Athens, Greece. I was planning to catch the sunset at the top of mountain Lykavitos. At the foot of the mountain, the sun slowly fell down passing cloud above horizon and filled the sky with beautiful rays. I knew the light won’t last more than five minutes. Immediately, I exited the taxi at one of the vantage point nearby and caught this view.

Sunset, Athens


About One Photo a Day: As we publish one fresh photo to a handful of social media platforms daily for promotion, we keep it in the blog section at The photo is chosen from Songquan Deng’s latest travel project. Please feel free to share with your friends. Comments are welcome!