ND Awards 2019 1st place winner! ND摄影大赛第一名!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning couple of awards including 1st place in Professional/Build/Bridge category ...

14th Black and White Spider Awards 1st place winner! 第14届黑白蜘蛛奖获奖!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning couple of awards including 1st place in Professional/Aerial category ...

International Photography Awards IPA 2019 摄影大赛获奖!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning couple of awards including 3rd place in Professional/Architecture/Bridges category ...

In-depth Cityscape Photography Workshop by Sonqguan
Songquan will be hosting an in-depth cityscape photography workshop in Great New Jersey Area. New York City skyline with skyscrapers ...

Songquan was featured in Shutterstock article
We are glad to see that, Songquan was featured in Shutterstock Blog named '10 Travel Photographers on Instagram You Need ...

TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2019 奥地利超级摄影巡回展(奥赛)获金奖!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning Gold Medal in TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2019!! 我们很高兴的宣布,邓松泉的作品在2019年奥地利超级摄影巡回展(奥赛)中获得金奖。 The ...

First look: Huawei P30 Pro sample photos taken by Songquan
As we all know, Huawei just released the powerful cellphone P30 series in Paris, France. This phone drew a heck ...

International Color Awards 国际彩色奖获奖!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning couple of awards including 3rd place in Abstract category ...

Chromatic Awards 彩色国际摄影大赛获奖!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning couple of awards including 1st place in Landscape category ...

International Photography Awards IPA摄影大赛获奖!
We are thrilled to announce and congratulate to Songquan for winning couple of awards including 2nd place in architecture/urban category ...